Legal Notice


Registered with the RCS of Paris n° 949 450 050

SIRET number: 94945005000016
Share Capital: 5,000 Euros
Head office located at 1 RUE JACQUES OFFENBACH 75016 Paris
Legal representative: Géraud ESCALIER |
Publication director: Géraud ESCALIER |

Host :
OVH SAS, company registered with the RCS of Lille 537 407 926
Sis 2 rue kellermann 59100 Roubaix


All documents, information, works and elements integrated into this website (such as logos, texts and slogans, photographs, drawings, images, videos, animated sequences with or without sound) are the property of From Future or third parties having authorized From Future to use them. Any use, reproduction, representation or modification, by any process whatsoever and on any medium whatsoever, of all or part of the documents, information, works and elements of this website, without having obtained the prior written authorization of From Future, is strictly prohibited and constitutes an infringement of copyright.

Likewise, the name and logos From Future Gaming, From Future Design, Spinner Pinball, Orbital Pinball are trademarks registered by From Future. Any use, reproduction, imitation or affixing of these trademarks, without the prior written consent of From Future is strictly prohibited and constitutes an infringement of copyright.

All users of this website are prohibited from copying, modifying or reproducing in any form whatsoever the documents, information, works and elements integrated into this website, and undertake to comply with all provisions applicable to intellectual property rights under French law.


From Future undertakes to implement the necessary means to ensure the security of the documents, information, works and elements appearing on this website. The user of this website nevertheless undertakes to use the site in compliance with the laws and regulations applicable on the day of use of the said site. The user also agrees to take all necessary security precautions to protect against viruses. From Future cannot be held responsible for any contamination of the user’s equipment during or following the user’s consultation of this website. The user declares that he/she has consulted this website with full knowledge of the risks that may arise from such consultation, in particular concerning the risks of interception and/or alteration of data.


From Future reserves the right, at any time and without prior notice to users of this website, to modify part or all of the documents, information, works and elements appearing on this website. The website may be unavailable while this update is being carried out. In any event, From Future shall not be liable for the unavailability of this website for any reason whatsoever.